Are Engineers in Short Supply?

As the owner manager of an engineering business for the past 15 years I have come to appreciate the complexities that are part and parcel of my role and my company. Challenges are presented every day and we deal with them. My company has a great reputation within industry, a highly skilled, highly motivated and loyal workforce and we share ambition. Continue reading

InfoServe365 Boosts Camvac’s Productivity

Increasing profit margins through improved productivity and reduced overheads is imperative for companies operating in any manufacturing sector – especially in today’s uncertain economic climate –- but identifying where processes can be honed to meet these objectives requires accurate business intelligence, which can be expensive. Continue reading

Optima is Converting Performance into Profits

Drives, PLCs and SCADA and controls are fundamental to the converting industry, companies naturally rely on their machine control systems for production. More recently however, enterprising companies have developed their control systems to commercial advantage. Continue reading